LensShopper - Contact lens price comparison

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Contact Lens Discomfort Problems

Some people who wear glasses are reluctant to switch to contact lenses, as they are concerned about experiencing discomfort. However, many people wear contact lenses quite comfortably every day.

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On the other hand, there are definitely situations in which contact lens wearers experience discomfort. Fortunately, there are solutions to many contact lens discomfort problems.

Check Your Contact Lens Fitting

Contact lenses need to be fitted, just like clothing. If your clothing is too big, too small or not the right shape, you will not be able to wear it comfortably, and contact lenses are no different. Check with your eye care professional to make sure that your contact lenses fit correctly.

Change Contact Lenses

You should not wear disposable lenses beyond the prescribed period. If you are experiencing discomfort with your disposable lenses, check the dates and make sure the time to change lenses has not passed. If it has, switching pairs may resolve the problem.

Artificial Tears - Eyedrops for dry eyes

One reason you may experience discomfort is from dry eyes. If this is true, occasional application of products designed to lubricate the eyes may help. Remember that not all of these products are for contact lenses. Be sure to choose the correct product.
Additionally, such products should only be required occasionally. If you find you are constantly in need of rewetting, you may want to consider another solution.

Dry Eyes Contacts

One such solution may be contacts designed specifically for dry eyes. Daily replacement lenses may work for you, since these lenses do not have time to build up deposits that may dry out your eye. You may also consider silicone hydrogels, a new product that allows more oxygen to permeate through the lens to the eye.

Remember that if you are wearing contact lenses for the first time in your life, you are bound to experience some discomfort. Your body recognizes any object in your eyes as a foreign body.

After a short time, a few days or more depending on the individual, the discomfort will usually fade. Also, be aware that sudden discomfort may result from a hair or piece of dirt trapped between the lens and the eye. Remove the lens and check for debris if this should happen.

Best prices - Biofinity

  • 1.
  • $48.9848.98
  • Discount Conta..
  • 2.
  • $59.1459.14
  • Fresh Lens
  • 3.
  • $59.9959.99
  • 1-800 Contacts

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