LensShopper - Contact lens price comparison
- Here you will find information about the different contact lens retailers presented on our site. Please use the links below to get more detailed information such as delivery times, freight costs, contact information, payment options etc. Our goal is to present the most complete list of the best and most popular lens retailers on the net.
1-800 contacts has the largest selection of contact lenses in the world. Their goal is to deliver contact lenses cheaper and faster than anyone else. They hold over 20 million contact lenses in stock which make them able to deliver your lenses directly after you supply them with your order.
At Discountcontactlenses.com you can find the following contact lens brands: Acuvue, Freshlook, Focus, Soflens to considerably lower prices, sometimes even as low as 50-70% cheaper than at the optician.
BestPriceContacts has a wide selection of contact lenses in stock, from colored contacts to traditional lenses. They offer FREE Regular Shipping on US orders and a simple 1-click reordering procedure.
Lens.com supply all the major brands and types of contact lenses at prices up to 70% below retail. By combining the lowest prices available with dedicated customer service, Lens.com is today one of the fastest growing direct-to-consumer contact lens suppliers in the world.
Justlenses.com provide the exact contact lenses prescribed by your eye doctor, in factory sealed packaging. Here you can make savings of up to 70% off what you would pay at the retail level.
LensDirect.com was founded in 1992 and is a New York based contact lens retailer. Their range of products also include eyeglasses and sunglasses. All products are of high quality and from well known brands.
Walgreens offers well-known contact lens brands at affordable prices. You will also find cleaning solutions and multipurpose liquids in their stock.
1-800-GET-LENS is a leading online supplier of prescription contact lenses. We offer our customers a solution to the high cost and inconvenience of refilling your contact lens prescriptions with your local eye care practioners.