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Refractive errors - Astigmatism

Astigmatism arises when the eye doesn't refract light evenly across the surface of the cornea/ocular lens. It is an inherited trait which disturbs the capacity of the eye to develop in a smooth and even manner. Astigmatism can also result from injuries, cranial or ocular operations or, in rare cases, as a side effect of abnormal head positioning in the womb.

Most astigmatic customers are satisfied with spectacle or lens correction for this refractive error. However, people with high levels of or unusual types of astigmatism might require excimer laser surgery (LASIK or PRK).

Irregular astigmatism is a type of visual dysfunction that occurs when light rays aren't refracted uniformly across the surface of the cornea. This type of optical impediment can be difficult to correct with conventional means and may even require one of the most modern forms of LASIK treatment.

Best prices - Purevision 2

  • 1.
  • $72.9872.98
  • Discount Conta..
  • 2.
  • $72.9972.99
  • 1-800 Contacts

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