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Acuvue 2

Acuvue 2

Acuvue 2 Contact Lenses from Johnson and Johnson

Acuvue 2 is a top quality contact lens from the well-known manufacturer Johnson & Johnson. If taken out and cleaned it can be used for two weeks and it can also be worn as a one-week extended wear contact lens which means that you wear them day as night without taking it out.

The lenses have a UV-protection class II. They block 82% of the UV-A radiation and 97% of the UV-B radiation. This makes the lenses a good complement to sunglasses, which do not always give enough protection.

A study from 2008 has shown that Acuvue 2 induces less staining than other lenses. Corneal staining can make the lens less comfortable. (http://www.clspectrum.com/article.aspx?article=102040)

Acuvue 2 - Best prices

  • 1.
  • $41.9841.98
  • Discount Conta..
  • 2.
  • $45.6445.64
  • Fresh Lens
  • 3.
  • $52.9952.99
  • 1-800 Contacts

Search for more Acuvue 2 contacts here!

Acuvue 2 Details

Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.
1-2 week disposable soft contact lenses
- No lens care needed
- Healthy way to wear contacts
42% polymer (etafilcon A), 58% water
6 visibly tinted UV blocking lenses in buffered saline solution