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Extreme H2O 54%

Extreme H2O 54%

Extreme H2O 54% Contact Lenses from Benz Research & Development

Extreme H2O contacts are monthly disposable soft contact lenses, ideal for users who suffer from dry eyes. These are designed to hold high levels of moisture and at the same time offer great lasting comfort.

The unique material allows the lenses to achieve a much higher level of water content, compared to other lenses, keeping your eyes moist even at the end of the day. The material also resists unhealthy protein deposits. Clean the lenses every night and replace them after up to a month.

Extreme H2O 54% - Best prices

  • 1.
  • $41.9841.98
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Extreme H2O 54% Details

Benz Research & Development Sarasota, FLBenz Research & Development Sarasota, FL
1-2 week disposable soft contact lenses
Excellent comfort High water content
46% polymer (Hioxifilcon A), 54% water
6 lenses in buffered saline solution