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Focus 1-2 Week

Focus 1-2 Week

Focus 1-2 Week Contact Lenses from CIBA Vision

Focus 1-2 Week contact lenses are comfortable and very easy to handle. You can wear the same pair every day for up to two weeks then replace them with a new and fresh pair. Always clean the lenses after usage then you can use them again the following day.

Thanks to the lenses’ convenient package you will always have spare pairs. Replacing the contact lenses more often reduces the possibility of irritating buildup. Instead they give you a crisp and clear vision and a great comfort. They are also tinted to facilitate locating the lenses in solution.

Focus 1-2 Week - Best prices

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Focus 1-2 Week Details

CIBA Vision Corp, Duluth, GACIBA Vision Corp, Duluth, GA
1-2 week disposable soft contact lenses
A comfortable lens Easy to handle Handling tinted
45% polymer (Vifilcon A), 55% water
6 visibly tinted lenses in buffered saline solution