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Freshlook Colors

Freshlook Colors

Freshlook Colors Contact Lenses from CIBA Vision

Freshlook Colors are disposable colored contact lenses that offer a more dramatic color change. The lenses work perfectly with natural dark eyes, even the darkest color can get a new exciting look. They are available in four different colors: Hazel, Green, Violet and Blue.

You can wear the same pair every day for up to 1-2 weeks then replace them with a new and fresh pair. You can also use the lenses just for the night or on a special occasion.

Freshlook Colors - Best prices

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Freshlook Colors Details

CIBA Vision Corp, Duluth, GACIBA Vision Corp, Duluth, GA
1-2 week disposable colored contact lenses
Colored lenses for a more dramatic change
45% polymer (Phemfilcon), 55% water
6 contact lenses in buffered saline solution