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Preference Standard

Preference Standard

Preference Standard Contact Lenses from CooperVision

Preference Standard is a quarterly disposable soft contact lens that can be worn comfortably for long ours. The design provides a highly deposit resistant lens material and optimum eye health and increased convenience. The material produces a more durable lens and Preference Standard is the perfect choice for first-time lens wearers.

The lenses are tinted for ease of handling, which facilitates locating the lenses in solution. The tint will not change the color of your eye. To ensure proper application the lens has an inversion indicator.

Preference Standard - Best prices

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Preference Standard Details

Coopervision, Inc. Scottsville, NY
2-3 month disposable soft contact lenses
Tinted for ease of handling Inversion indicator
57.5% polymer (Tetrafilcon A), 42.5% water
4 lenses in buffered saline solution