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Purevision Toric

Purevision Toric

Purevision Toric Contact Lenses from Bausch and Lomb

PureVision Toric is a silicone hydrogel lens that corrects astigmatism, with an optical design that results in optimal visual quality. They can be worn safely 24 hours a day for up to 30 days of continuous wear.

The special design of the lens with varied thickness orients the lens correctly every time you blink. This prevents blurred vision in patients with astigmatism. The lenses are also aspheric and minimizes so called spherical aberrations, thereby giving optimal vision quality under low light conditions, for example when driving at night.

The contact lenses provide rich contrasts and superior details. The silicone hydrogel material allows high levels of oxygen to reach your eyes which keeps them healthy and comfortable throughout the day. Always follow the prescriptions and recommendations of your optician.

In a study from 2009, the lens was compared with other toric silicon hydrogel lenses. Purevision Toric was rated high in vision quality and handling. (http://www.clspectrum.com/article.aspx?article=102650)

Purevision Toric - Best prices

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Purevision Toric Details

Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NYBausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY
Can be worn for up to 30 days of continuous wear
Correct astigmatism Great oxygen transmission
64% polymer (Balafilcon A), 36% water
6 contact lenses in buffered saline solution