LensShopper - Contact lens price comparison

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What are the diffences between soft and rigid lenses?

Soft lenses are the most common type of lens and are what you normally relate to when you talk about lenses. A soft lens has a predetermined length of life, from one day to a year. The soft lens is almost always instantly comfortable but a rigid lens takes some getting use to, from a couple of days up to a month. After the breaking in time the rigid lens will also be comfortable. A rigid lens doesn´t have any predetermined length of life. Instead it's the condition of the lens that determines when it's time to change the lens.

Best prices - Monthly lenses

RSS Monthly contact lenses

  1. $59.14 Air Optix Plus Hydra..
  2. $59.14 Biofinity
  3. $103.24 Air Optix Aqua Night..

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